Call it a rest stop, travel plaza or truck stop; these highway icons are definitely moving along with the times. At one time, tuck stops were thought of as the smoke filled, greasy spoons of the American highways. Today, rest stops now contain high end restaurant chains and mega stores stocked with anything a traveler could want. They are becoming friendlier to the general public and are not thought of as just a trucker’s hangout.
There is a new system that is rapidly growing in popularity. Its is a hookup through the passenger side of a rig and this hookup will provide heat, air conditioning, television, games, movies and satellite music to traveling truckers. The benefit of these rest stop accommodations is that the rigs no longer have to idle and burn gas to keep the cab comfortable so a trucker can sleep. This technology eliminates the unnecessary burn of fuel which means fewer pollutants in the atmosphere.
Rest stops are more advanced and comfortable to the weary traveler. There are rest stops that have fully operational casinos in them. Rest stops are making a dedicated effort to make it seem like a home away from home. Anywhere from the home cooking that its restaurants offer to the luxurious clean bathroom and showers made out of marble. Often included in the price of a fill up is a free wash for the rig and trailer. The typical tucker spends three to four months out of a year on the road and they should be able to be comfortable where they can.